Bohollomonde Yapo

Hi! My name is Bohollomonde Yapo, and if I could describe myself in two words, it would be “aesthetically creative.” I know that the word “creative” is often overused in many industries, but ever since I can remember, I’ve been aesthetically creative. From “DIYing” room decorations in my 10-year-old bedroom to creating video montages from my recent trip to Europe, to designing mobile applications, I’ve always been naturally inclined to see the beauty in all things and create beauty from my lens of life.

Coming to terms with and embracing my creative talents hasn’t always been my present reality. I began my journey as a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) as a Nutrition major on the path to becoming a Neonatal Physician Assistant (because of my love for babies). However, as I continued to grow, travel, and discover, I realized that I wanted to embrace my individuality and creative talents beyond my levels of comfort. Upon this realization, I’ve been growing my creative abilities and skills in, but not limited to, design, videography, and graphics as an Information Science Major at UNC. As a senior in college, I’m excited to see where my experiences lead me, and my goal is to pursue a career that allows me to use my creativity and skills to solve real-world problems and make a positive impact.